holidaying in morocco

Tips For Holidaying in Morocco

When you think of holidaying in Morocco, you probably envision a warm, sepia toned image of the country. However, temperatures can drop significantly at night and can be very windy on the coast. So, be sure to research the weather and pack your warmest jackets. Here are some tips to holiday in Morocco safely. Read on to learn more about the best time to visit these incredible places! Hopefully, you will enjoy your holiday!

Activities to enjoy while on holidaying in Morocco

If you are looking for some unique activities to do in Morocco, consider a jeep safari. These safaris can take you through the countryside past palm groves, date plantations and Berber villages. You can also purchase souvenirs made from rose petals and fragrance oil, which can help you maintain your skin’s health and minimize wrinkles. The Koutoubia Mosque is a beautiful landmark in Marrakech. Its minaret rises to 120 metres and is one of the highest points in the city.

You can also go trekking or hiking through the landscape of Morocco. Most people enjoy this type of activity in the High Atlas Mountains. Djebel Toubkal is the highest mountain in the country, and is located 64 km south of Marrakesh next to the Imlil village. Other popular hiking spots include the Todgha Gorges, which are home to rock climbers. A trip through these gorges is a great way to experience the culture and history of Morocco.

Best season for holidaying in Morocco

Winter months are the ideal time to visit the Sahara Desert, while the Christmas and New Year holidays make Marrakesh a renowned tourist destination. During Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the country is suffused with the smell of incense and the air is filled with the aroma of dates. Tourist numbers are low during this time, and many tourist attractions close during the day. However, there are a few things to keep in mind during this time.

Summers are the hottest months in Morocco, so visitors should avoid the high temperatures during July and August. This is the best time to visit northern Morocco, where temperatures will be more pleasant. During these months, there will be plenty of flowers blooming, and the days will still be pleasant enough to enjoy outdoor activities. However, summers in Morocco can also be hot and sunny, so you’ll want to pack light and be prepared for unpredictable weather.

Making friends while on holidaying in Morocco

Be aware of the culture in Morocco. Some people can be incredibly friendly, and if you want to enjoy your holiday in Morocco, making friends with locals is a great way to make new ones. However, be careful about your safety – even if it means having to avoid making friends with strangers. Some people in Morocco are dangerous, and they can steal your money or other valuables. To avoid becoming a victim of pickpocketing, it’s important to keep valuables out of sight and in a safe place.

Respect the local religion. Moroccans are predominantly Muslim and the country’s state religion is Islam. Disrespecting Islam could offend locals, so you should be respectful and avoid expressing controversial opinions. Make sure that you respect Moroccan customs and dress modestly when you’re with Moroccans. While you’re in Morocco, don’t take pictures of anyone. Moroccans tend to be very protective of their religion, and if you’re attempting to take pictures, be sure to do so discreetly.

Traveling to Morocco without a COVID-19 (PCR) test

International travelers may be exempt from COVID-19 testing requirements if they have a valid certificate of the last COVID-19 vaccination, but still must meet entry requirements. Passengers who have had a recent booster dose are exempt from pre-departure testing, but must provide proof of a negative PCR test within 72 hours of boarding. Passengers who are not COVID-19 vaccinated must complete a passenger health form prior to boarding, and fill out their name, address, and two phone numbers. Children under 12 are exempt from the health test.

If you have ever been to Morocco and had no previous exposure to COVID-19, you should do so now. Although Moroccan travel is generally safe, there is still a high level of caution to be taken while traveling. Some destinations have strict COVID-19 prevention measures, and travel to such places without a COVID-19 test may result in a fine of around 1,000 Moroccan dirhams.
