is marrakech nice to visit

Is Marrakech Nice to Visit?

Because of the reddish-brown walls that surround the medieval medina, Marrakech, the “Red City,” is one of the most enthralling places in Morocco. Is Marrakech Nice to Visit? Continue reading to learn more about this ancient imperial metropolis and how it came to be.

Traditional accommodation

Traditional riads and dars can be found all across Marrakech, making it a great option for visitors. It is possible to stay in the same structures that have housed Moroccans for generations in the old medina; many of the traditional lodgings were previously private homes.

Riads have an interior courtyard or garden, hence the name derived from the Arabic word meaning garden. Traditionally, a fountain takes center stage in this space, with rooms opening up to it. There used to be just one level in riads, but more and more of these houses now have multiple levels, with upper rooms having direct access to terraces overlooking the common space below. The outside walls of a riad often contain few windows.

In Morocco, a dar refers to a conventional house without an interior courtyard. Also, Dars can be just as beautiful as riads, with bright light streaming in from the ceiling, giving visitors a real sense of Moroccan family life.

Is Marrakech Nice to Visit : Soothing hammams

A hammam is a type of steam room popular in Morocco. To wash, socialize, and cleanse oneself, the residents frequent this establishment. Many luxury hammams are now open to the public, but it is still feasible for visitors to experience a traditional public hammam in Marrakech. Keep in mind that men and women have separate areas and/or hours of operation.

The inhabitants bathe at hammams such Hammam Dar El Bacha, Kennaria Hammam, Hammam Essalama, Hammam Germai, and many others.

Is Marrakech Nice to Visit : Delicious food

There are a plethora of restaurants and cafés in Marrakech where you may get a taste of Moroccan cuisine. If you’re in the mood for something a little less traditional, try the Marrakchi specialty known as tanjia, which gets its name from the earthen pot it’s cooked in.

Many types of street cuisine can be found in the medina. If you’re looking for something more recognizable, such as a pizza or a baguette stuffed with cheese, you’ll have no problem finding it in the many bakeries.

Is Marrakech Nice to Visit : Interesting medina

For centuries, Marrakesh’s medina has been its center. In the past, inhabitants were protected from invasions by high, sandy-colored walls. People, bicycles, scooters, automobiles, donkeys, carts, and street vendors all jostle for space after you pass through the city’s massive gates. Tradesmen work in open-fronted workshops. Children play in the streets while narrow alleyways lead to even smaller ones with elegant doors and unique knockers. Moreover, If you really want to get a feel for Marrakech life, head to the medina and try a walking guided tour.
