tourist attractions in Marrakech

Marrakech Tourist Attractions

There are many Marrakech Tourist Attractions to visit in the old imperial city of Marrakech in western Morocco. The city is a major economic center and is rich in architecture, including palaces, mosques, and gardens. Explore the medina, or medieval city, which dates back to the Berber Empire and features souks, or markets, where you can buy traditional goods. Visit the Koutoubia mosque, the city’s symbol, which dates from the 12th century.

Marrakech Tourist Attractions : Jemaa el-Fnaa

You’ll never want to leave this vibrant square, which is lined with orange juice stands and locals selling local crafts. It is a social and entertainment hub, and you’ll definitely enjoy watching the locals and visitors mix. You may have a hard time figuring out what to buy at the stalls here, though: bargaining is a common practice in Morocco, and you’ll be glad you did.

The square is a great place to people-watch, and the square’s bustling activity doesn’t end until the sun sets. This lively market is home to an endless supply of food stalls and live music from local musicians. Just beware of the many tourist scams! You might even get tricked into paying too much for your food at one of the many restaurants that line the square.

Ben Youssef Islamic school

The Ben Youssef Madrasa is an Islamic school in Marrakesh, Morocco. This Islamic institution is the world’s first and, at its peak, the country’s biggest. It was given the moniker “Ben Youssef” after the neighboring Mosque of the same name. The Almoravid Sultan Ali ibn Yusuf established it.

Built almost 500 years ago, the Ben Youssef Madrasa is a breathtaking example of islamic architecture. Its entrance is decorated with mosaics and cedar wood carvings. The museum is open to visitors on an invitation basis only. While you’re visiting the school, don’t forget to ask if it’s safe to take photos.

Mellah Jewish Quarter

The Mellah Jewish Quarter in Marrakech was established by Sultan Abdallah al-Ghalib in 1558. It is a walled area outside the city walls and served as a commercial hub during the 16th and 17th centuries. Its history echoes that of other mellahs in Morocco. This UNESCO World Heritage site has been preserved for its beautiful architecture and historic importance.

In the Middle Ages, the Jewish Mellah had a population of about 70,000 people. Though not many remain today, they prefer newer areas of the city. Many Jews chose to stay in the area during this time, but most have moved elsewhere. In the past, the Mellah was plagued with poverty and disease, but today it has been rehabilitated. This makes it one of the best places to visit while visiting Marrakech.

Marrakech Tourist Attractions : Jardin Marjorelle

The Jardin Marjorelle is an artist’s landscape garden and one-hectare botanical garden in Marrakech, Morocco. The garden was created by French Orientalist artist Jacques Majorelle over forty years, beginning in 1923. It also features a 1930s Cubist villa designed by Paul Sinoir. Those who visit the garden should plan to spend at least a few hours. This Moroccan attraction is definitely worth a visit!

The most famous part of the Jardin is the Majorelle villa, where Jacques Majorelle, Yves Saint Laurent, and Pierrer Berge lived until their deaths. While the museum is not open to the general public, you can still admire the gardens and the art deco architecture from outside. The garden is home to a cafe, as well as a boutique where you can buy a Majorelle blue slipper, textiles, and jewelry.
