Weather in Marrakech

Weather in Marrakech

The Best Time to Visit Morocco

One thing that you should not forget when visiting Marrakech is to pack light. Regardless of the season, it’s better to pack light than to bring all your valuable items inside. The Marrakech weather is generally hot, and humid, so make sure to pack appropriate clothing, especially for the days when you’ll be outside exploring the city. Avoid heavy clothing and bright colors that will attract unwanted attention. You should also pack only items that are lightweight and avoid carrying any high-end pieces. They will only attract attention and may be targets for pickpockets.

Weather in Marrakech

As for the weather in Marrakech, you should pack clothing appropriate for all three seasons. Pack warm clothes for the day, and cool ones for the evenings. Don’t forget sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen. Also, don’t forget to pack appropriate clothing for the cold and winter months. As a general rule of thumb, you should pack light clothing to stay comfortable in all kinds of weather conditions. However, if you’re looking to avoid the chilly weather, you can always stay in the coastal and mountain areas.

If you’re looking to purchase some leather goods, you’ll find plenty of options in Marrakech’s souks. But be warned that these souks can be chaotic – so prepare to haggle hard – especially in December! Because Europeans fly to Marrakech in December, bargaining for the prices of leather goods becomes difficult. Also, the closer it gets to Christmas, the harder it is to bargain for a good price.
