intrepid travel morocco uncovered

Intrepid Travel : Morocco Uncovered

You’ve probably heard about or seen a snapshot of Morocco in the last several months, due to social media, making it a popular Intrepid Travel : Morocco Uncovered tourist destination. Which isn’t all that unexpected. It’s hard to believe that Morocco has so much to offer in the way of culture, history, cuisine, and picturesque landscapes and cities.

In other words, it’s time for you to visit Morocco because it’s become a social media sensation.

People are always surprised when I say that my vacation wish list is ever-evolving. That being said, it’s also true — the most popular destinations right now aren’t always the most popular destinations a year ago. Until recently, Morocco was not on my list of places I wanted to visit. But all of a sudden, at the end of last year, I had an overwhelming need to go back.

My timing couldn’t have been better. When turbulence subsides in the region and word spreads about the beauty of countries like Morocco, the region will become more accessible to tourists.

Now is the perfect moment to visit Morocco if you’ve been thinking about it.

Intrepid Travel Morocco Uncovered : Is Morocco safe?

Technically, no place on earth — not even your hometown – is 100 percent safe. Morocco, on the other hand, isn’t particularly dangerous as a destination for a vacation.

After the 2011 Arab Spring, Morocco did not experience the same level of upheaval as other North African states. Pickpocketing and verbal sexual harassment are the most serious threats to women in this country, which is politically quite stable.

I traveled to Morocco for two weeks and never felt in danger.

Should you book a tour in Morocco?

I’ve been to a lot of countries on my own, and I’m comfortable with my travel style and the things that excite me and the things that terrify me. In certain circumstances, I relish the “adventure” of traveling alone, but when confronted with destinations where the cultures, languages, and attitudes about women traveling alone are vastly different, I prefer the companionship of small group excursions.

In Morocco, you are not needed to schedule a tour (although many people visit on their own without doing so). But once you’ve been there, it’s a site that you should definitely explore with a guide, especially if you’re a lady traveling alone.

Was there anything that could have occurred to me if I’d gone to Morocco all by myself? It’s unlikely. I would have spent more time on alert and missed certain locations and activities if I had gone alone.

Intrepid Travel Morocco Uncovered : How much money do you need?

Your financial situation need a specific amount.
Even though you may check the tour’s cost, many individuals wonder how much extra spending money they should carry with them on excursions like this. Consequently, throughout this journey, I maintained extremely tight tabs on everything!

The Moroccan Dirham is the country’s currency. There are ATMs in every major city, so I mainly used my bank card to withdraw money from them. However, I also swapped currency once in Fes. Ask your tour guide for a recommendation for a cash exchange that gives decent rates if you plan on exchanging money while on your vacation.

While in Morocco, I withdrew or exchanged a total of $4,600 MAD (Moroccan dirham). This is around the same as $480 in American dollars. Along the way, I picked up a few trinkets for around $270 USD. On the ground, I ended up spending roughly $750 USD.

Intrepid Travel Morocco Uncovered : Are you pressured to shop?

Are you being compelled to buy?
You may ask if there is a pressure to buy stuff on this tour, because I spent $300 shopping in Morocco. Morocco is known for being pushy when selling items, like most of North Africa and the Middle East. This is no surprise. If you walk through a souk in a medina, you will encounter people pleading with you to enter their store.

This Morocco tour includes many pre-arranged shopping stops at establishments that Intrepid endorses to try to assist you escape the tiredness that can be associated with this onslaught in medinas. Artist or female-owned cooperatives are widespread, so you can observe how, where, and by whom the items are made.
